Sunday, September 26, 2010

"We The People"

If Madison is to be believed in Federalist #37 then, in an age of political campaigns funded by corporations, banks and hedge funds, a revolving door between the executive and legislative branches and corporations and banks, and a Supreme Court ruled by idealogues in support of corporations and banks, our political system is functionally broken. 

It is now up to "we the people" to fix the system because the corporate interests using their considerable financial resources to influence Congress to pass legislation in their own favor are too self interested to care about the health of the nation or its people.  It is now up to us to affect the necessary changes to counteract the influence of money in this era of systematic governmental failure.  What this means is that people have to get involved with the political process by writing their state and federal representatives, running for office, petitioning the government and using whatever media necessary to make their voices heard.  Getting involved now is the only thing that will stop the societal disentegration and disequalibrium of power that has taken hold.     

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